Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet with #EmergingProud Movement Founder Katie Mottram

Have you ever felt alone on the spiritual journey?

Or perhaps you wondered if you were going mad?

You’re not alone.

There are many reasons why people hesitate to bust out of the spiritual closet and fluff their rainbow tail feathers. Perhaps others will think you’ve lost the plot. Or you have a reputation to protect. Or you fear losing a loved one. Or stepping into a new more authentically you simply feels way too daunting. The list goes on.

This is exactly why Katie Mottram started the #EmergingProud campaign. Now in its 3rd year, it’s become an international movement, where events are held on almost every continent.

As part of this year’s #EmergingProud event, it was my great privilege to host a live online global event with Katie (albeit rather crazy as we tried to capture several timezones at once!).

On the event we also launched #EmergingProud Through NOTEs (non-ordinary transcendent experiences)the first in a series of 4 pocketbooks of hope and transformation. The books are all part of a non-profit venture with the vision of distributing these little beauties throughout public hospitals and mental health facilities to folks who could do with a little ray of sunshine. For every 2 books bought, it enables one to be gifted.

There were several guests who joined our live event, diving deep into numerous aspects of spiritual experiences and the power they have to change lives and the world. Among them were Seán Patrick (That Guy Who Loves The Universe), Lisa Monaghan (Open Dialogue Trainer), Altazaar Rossiter (Partnering with Spiritual Intelligence), Mick Collins (The Unselfish Spirit &The Visionary Spirit), Sean Blackwell (Am I Bi-Polar Or Waking Up?) and Catherine Lucas (In Case of Spiritual Emergency).

It’s a 2 hour event, so settle in with a cuppa, enjoy, and know that you are a part of a growing interconnected global community of awesome. Pure gold.

Here’s to your spiritual health and wealth!

Nicole xox