The Power of NOTEs ebook now available worldwide

BOOM! The Power of NOTEs is now available worldwide through Amazon Kindle.

Of course, you can still order a personally signed hard copy too!

The Power Of NOTEs: How Non-Ordinary Transcendent Experiences Transform The Way We Live, Love, and Lead is a self-empowerment guide for anyone who’s had an experience that took you outside your usual self, and beyond your regular understanding of the world. 

There are over 500 different types of NOTEs, such as out-of-body experiences, spiritual experiences, awakening, near-death-experiences, visions, lucid dreams, peak experiences, and so many more. For some people, even falling in love, birthing a baby, or losing a loved one can bring about a NOTE. In essence, it’s an experience where time warps, a sense of something so much more than the ordinary happens. It’s often a sacred experience that changes us on a deep level. 

My own NOTEs journey started with a near-death experience more than 20 years ago. Whilst white-water rafting in New Zealand, I was thrown out of the raft and into deep water under a gushing waterfall and everything around me was black. After the panic of my last breath subsided, everything became calm, and a horizon of light appeared. Some loved ones came to greet me. 

From that time, I’ve been on a quest to better understand NOTEs and I’ve had the great pleasure of speaking with hundreds of NOTEs experiencers about the good, the bad, the ugly, and the miraculous. 

This book is a short and sweet introduction to NOTEs, packed with practical tools to help you understand and make the most of your experiences. 

Often, people who’ve had a NOTE feel a strong urge to make significant and sometimes drastic life changes. That might mean a reshuffling of personal priorities, changes to relationships, choosing a new life path, or all of that! Relationships can often break down because NOTEs can be so hard to describe and difficult to share. People might think you're nuts if you share about something others can't see, hear, feel, or understand. It’s like trying to explain a foreign country to someone whose never left their neighborhood. 

The Power of NOTEs: 

  • has quizzes to help you find the type of experiences you’ve had

  • explains the aftereffects that can happen physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially

  • presents some of the leading neuroscience on spiritual experiences

  • shares stories from many experiencers on how NOTEs transformed their lives

  • has coaching tools to help you harness these wondrous experiences and start living even more of the awesomeness you are designed to be

 I want for you to live a happy, wholesome, deeply satisfying life that inspires others and does good in the world. I want your genius to have a chance to shine through. At the end of your life, I want you to look back and feel you lived the best life possible. No regrets. Not one. 

That’s why I wrote this book.

Grab your digital copy or hard copy today.

Join me in January for a NOTEs Extravaganza!

 On Jan 8, I’ll be doing a LIVE and FREE interactive webinar called 3 Common Challenges After a Spiritual Experience & How To Overcome Them

On the 12th, I’d love you to join me for the Official Online Book Launch of The Power of NOTEs. We’ll have special guests, people sharing their NOTEs stories, Q&A, and giveaways of the book!

On Saturday 19th, I’ll be having an in-person book launch on Sydney’s beautiful northern beaches in a gorgeous venue overlooking the ocean. It’s going to be an enchanting evening with special guests, tasty treats, and a whole heap of goodies. Stay tuned Sydney…

And on Jan 30th, drumroll…The NOTEs Mentorship begins. I’m so excited to be offering this because it's the heart and soul of my work with people. Over 9 months, this awesome group of people will meet every 2 weeks online for the sole purpose of working with your NOTEs to create your best life. The mentorship is for people who've had a transformative experience that awoke something within and you're now looking for guidance and support in the next steps. It’s for people ready to make your calling a living, breathing, prosperous reality. Available worldwide. Enrolments are now open. 

Wishing you a magical and wonder-filled festive season. 

Shine bright,
