The Power of NOTEs is here!


The gifting season has arrived early!

Hot off the printing press, The Power of NOTEs: How Non-Ordinary Transcendent Experiences Transform The Way We Live, Love, And Lead is finally here!

You can grab your signed copy here. It will be lovingly packaged and posted by yours truly.

I’ve got to admit there’s nothing quite like cracking open that box and holding that new book for the very first time.

I’m thrilled that it’s finally ready to be shared with you.

Here’s some of what folks have been saying about the book:

“As William James pointed out, what we think of as ‘normal’ awareness is just one out of a whole spectrum of different states. With great clarity and energy, Nicole Gruel explains why non-ordinary states have such significance and may even hold the key to our future as a species.”

—Steve Taylor, PhD, author of The Leap and Spiritual Science

“This book is a wonderful support for those who experience non- ordinary transcendent experiences (NOTEs) and a clear perspective to help everyone understand their potential for life transformation. Gruel blends the perspective of noted scientists and psychiatrists like Carl Jung with remarkable stories of experiencers and offers ways to integrate the insights from these moments into the flow of life. She offers an impressive contribution to the field of transpersonal psychology and spiritual emergence.”

—Bonnie Greenwell, PhD, Psychotherapist, Non-dual teacher, and author of When Spirit Leaps: Navigating the Process of Spiritual Awakening.

“Dr. Nicole Gruel’s common-sense and inspirational style of writing, along with her ability to blend research with direct experience, makes this book the new required reading in the field of Spiritual Emergence and Emergencies. Her ability to address complex theories and research in way that is readable will enable both professionals and experiencers alike to develop an understanding of and appreciation for, the potential of NOTEs to create transformative shifts in a person’s conscious growth. Not only is it difficult for experiencers to shape into language the experience they have undergone, but it is also difficult to explain the personal challenges and changes most NOTEs create. This encouraging book will help solve that problem. Nicole’s graceful handling of these issues gives us a common language we can use to communicate regarding these experiences which helps create a much-needed bridge of understanding between the experiencer and the non-experiencer.”

—Elizabeth J. Sabet, PCC, ASCLC, President of The American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences, Transformational/Transpersonal Coach