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Spiritual Awakenings International

The Gifts And Challenges Of Waking Up

More than ever, people are experiencing an awakening of consciousness. We currently live in a spiritual candy store where we’ve never had more access to tools that can expand our awareness.

Yet as glamorous as it may all seem, spiritual awakening usually requires navigating and overcoming personal, interpersonal, and planetary challenges. There are gifts too, many of which are integral in creating a more beautiful, healthful, and wholesome planet, but to use them we must respectfully and humbly learn to work with and through them.

Incredibly, we are each hardwired to experience the extraordinary in our own unique way, and when we consciously choose to embrace and celebrate life’s spiritual dimensions we unlock our innate power, purpose, and pizzazz. In this talk, Nicole will be sharing her personal experiences of the extraordinary and why she’s convinced now is the best time ever to step unabashedly into the force of awesome that we were all born to be — warts and all.

Register here for your FREE spot.

Earlier Event: May 22
High Vibe Life Online Wellness Expo
Later Event: October 26
Beyond The Veil Shift Summit